of Behavioral and Styles Through Poetry Now Review of Imaginary Book Imaginary Book has everything a novel should possess: an engaging plot, a well-developed main character, and a vividly drawn sense of place. What really makes Imaginary Book absorbing is Gail Carter'-Cade's fresh, unpredictable language. She writes so creatively that you have to slow down because every sentence is a delight. Duval County Police Officer Reynolds: Thinks that this is a great book for police to gain insight of the people that they may encounter at any given time. Retired Assistant Principal, Mrs. Dupree: States that it is a great resource to teach children how we are all different, but we still can get along. Teacher Mr. Goodman: Thinks it's a great book to be considered using in schools. Behavioral Interventionist, Mr. Smith: Feels this could be a valuable resource for behavior insight for students. Teacher, Ms. Ridley: The book really helped her to understand and have empathy for those who struggle with their emotions. She would definitely recommend reading it. Her style of writing is very unique. It will make you want to turn the page and keep on reading! Mortgage Broker, Mrs. Bowman: Excellent collection of poems. This is one I'm glad I read, and I really enjoyed the openness. Counselor, Ms. Toombs: I truly loved the book. Nurse, Ms. Sinclaire: I loved it so much I could hardly put it down. It really is inspirational College Student, Ms. Hargrove: I have read the book and can't wait till the next book. This was a true inspiration. I can use the poems in my everyday life for the better good to not only heal myself but to help others heal. Educator, Ms. Jackson: Really enjoyed this collection of poems. Supervisor, Ms. Smith: I was extremely impressed with the depth of the poems and how they inspired me to look at life in a different way. Parent, Ms. Thompson: One of the best, most clear compositions of poems that reflect on all aspects of life. College Student, Ms. Gates: I love the book so much because it really hit home with the content of the poems. I was able to relate with the book a lot. Helen Muriithi, Professkonal Book Reviewer at Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Bookbub and OnlineBookClub,org/Editoran What could make your child hate school? Is it always because of academic-related problems, or could there be other underlying issues? Is there a standard way to gauge whether a child has inherent problems that interfere with their psychological well-being? Uplifting The Pain of Behavioral and Learning Styles Through Poetry Now: Uplifting the Pain Now by Gail Carter-Cade is a book written by a mother and a teacher who boasts years of experience working with students. Her book is also a product of first-hand experience with a family member who had psychological and emotional struggles. The author sensitizes us on how we ignore behavioral manifestations of inner struggles, which are often brushed off as typical traits that will eventually pass. She reiterates that inherent problems do not have universal signs and symptoms that can be used to diagnose mental and emotional struggles in a person because we react to situations differently. For example, people’s moods and temperaments can act as signals that someone is going through problems. Thus, their manner of speaking and choice of words often connote their inner struggles, which we may miss if we assume they have a typical bad day that will eventually wear off. What I loved most about this book is the candid approach Gail takes in her writing style. She skillfully exploits her poetic license to foreground discussions that are often frowned upon in simple and engaging language. For instance, she reminds us how the community is responsible for each individual’s well-being. In a communist versus capitalist debate, the author would be accused of bipartisanship. However, she frames this discussion open-mindedly, allowing the reader to deliberate upon themselves and tap into their empathetic selves. Gail also uses this style to reveal how differently abled students are often victimized in school for their inability to “fit in” with other abled students. The author explores the use of various stylistic devices and intertextual elements in the poems. Her effective use of repetition on some lines made the poems memorable and added musical elements to the stanzas, which spiced up my reading experience. Her effective use of rhyme also added musical notes to each line and encouraged active reading by the readers. This made the book very engaging and insightful at the same time. What stood out to me was that Gail expertly provided enough room for the reader to enjoy her poems while learning simultaneously. I specifically enjoyed the rhetorical questions and ellipses at the end of some stanzas and poems, which provoked me to deliberate about the issues raised by the author. There is nothing I liked least in this book which I wholeheartedly award the maximum rating of five stars. It is well-researched, with links to reference sources at the book's end. In addition, the examples provided by the author are realistic and include issues that we may have actually gone through, such as examination anxiety, bullying, and domestic issues, among others. I recommend this text to families whose members portray behavioral and emotional suffering in their lives. Parents will also benefit from Gail’s wealth of experience handling emotionally unstable students, whose outward behavior may indicate internal problems. Employers should equally read this therapeutic collection of poems, as it helps them empathize with their employees, especially on days they seem to be on emotional rants.
How do you speak to a child, teenager or an adult about painful psychological experiences that may cause you not to talk about them because of society misinterpretation or stigmatic opinion? As a result, they are hidden, disguised or revealing itself in your behavior and/or learning patterns or responses until Now.This extraordinary book speaks to you or for you through easy to read relatable, identifiable poetic imagery of real-life recollections that may invoke deep insightful conversation with "aha" moments of hard to talk about daunting memories of home, school, or in a workplace setting experiences.Growth Mindset Solutions Poetry sheds light on the roots of challenges and offers a deeper understanding, fostering positive mindset growth solutions that improve problem-solving skills and potential.Uplifting The Pain...Now Collection